Jan Walker star of the show!

We had such a great day in London today, the reason for our journey up to the smoke was due to being invited by ‘Village films’ to attend their screening at the BFI of ‘Jan’s Coming Out’ a hilarious story of a lady called Jan funnily enough who at 50 realised she was not quite as straight as she could be 🙂 the joy of this discovery is all over the film! That was the reason they chose her, they wanted the film to be a joyous one, so they filmed her on her new adventure whilst she met and interviewed many wonderful ladies! I ended up being sat next to the director Carolyn Reid, so at the end I was able to say immediately what a brilliant job she and the others had done!


Trafalgar Square

After this we took an amble back to Covent Garden, we tried to get there via the google maps on my blackberry but it seemed they had moved it as every corner we went down it wasn’t there… got there in the end, had a mooch around the shop and a hot choc then headed for home, managed to get some good snaps though:-)

Pall Mall

Published On: April 2nd, 2011 / Categories: Life, Movies / Tags: , /