The new album arrived today. Having loved k d lang since first setting eyes on her on that infamous Vanity Fair cover, I have followed her career avidly, seen her live often and loved each and every musical offering that she has given. So it was with keen enthusiasm that I popped this one on. Well let me tell you that right from the start she doesn’t dissapoint! This is the first time k d has had her own band since the days of the Reclines, and they sound brilliant!
K d starts off all slow sassy and very sexy with ‘I Confess’ then it suddenly changes its tempo and is a jazzy little rocker. Great piano, and guitar, a real number for dancing too!
‘A Sleep With No Dreaming’, a slow sultry number k d’s voice sores on this one, lovely brushed drum sound, bass guitar, a slow sexy one, lovely lyrics ‘you’re the only dream I understand’ asleep with no dreaming’.
‘The Waters Edge’ all the songs seem to be paean to a deeply fulfilling love. This one in partcular, another slow number with a deep bass guitar, I am already singing along to this one.
‘Perfect World’ this is the one that was a freebie a couple of weeks ago and I’m not surprised they used this as the taster as it’s a really great catchy pop song.
To date, ‘Sugar Buzz’ I think is my favourite track on the album, a slow start with the band showing us what they are made of. Then, k d chimes in and sounds very slow and sexy once again! It’s a stop and starter; you can hear the smirk on her face as she sings this one! Lyrics ‘can’t get enough can’t get enough’ give you the gist of this track!
‘Sing It Loud’ not sure what this song is about but I am taking my own personal slant on it – k d coming out, very brave all those years ago – is k d suggesting that others should do the same? I don’t know but I hope so, this has a great banjo introduction.
‘Inglewood’, lovely guitar based, another slow number k d seems to have softened her voice on this album, and has used a great inflection that sounds brilliant.
‘Habit of Mind’, the banjo makes another welcome appearance and there is a definite country twang evocative of her early country albums.
‘Heaven’is a rather sublime cover of this classic talking heads song,
The album’s closing track is ‘Sorrow Nevermore’ and the banjo makes an appearance again, keeping the song bubbling along. A great lively melody sees the album to its close.
Tony Bennett said ‘she is the best singer of her generation’. He certainly has a point, k d can turn her voice to many vocal styles and sounds brilliant in all of them!…
This album will become a firm favourite.