A-ha: The Swing of Things 1985-2010A-ha: The Swing of Things 1985-2010 by Jan Omdahl
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have loved a-ha since I was 12, I remember the first version of ‘take on me’ and the guys appearing on Saturday morning telly, I had the leather bands, the posters on my wall and of course all the records! They were the first concert I went to see way back in January 1986! it was amazing! They have been along with The Beach Boys the soundtrack to my life, and a wonderful one at that, when people generally think of a-ha they go straight to ‘take on me’ but this was just the beginning of a varied and brilliant career, in recent times it has become cool to like a-ha with the likes of Coldplay and Keane stating them as major influences. Then last year they decided to call it a day, their last album (Foot of the mountain) had been a brilliant success, so they decided to ‘end on a high note’ we were lucky enough to catch their gig at the Royal Albert Hall’ in which they played their first two albums in their entirety ‘Hunting High and Low’ and the brilliant ‘ Scoundrel Days’ it was an amazing night! and a privilege to have been there at the conception and closure of this wonderful group. So when I saw this book I immediately popped it on my birthday list! It is crammed packed with wonderful pictures some of which have been donated by the band themselves, also excerpts from their notebooks and diaries. It is written by a chap who has followed their career from the start, who is close enough to the band to get some great incite into what made them tick or not as the case may be, there has been much written of how they don’t really get on, well this books tells us exactly how it is and has been in the past.. Its a must for any fan of a-ha or any music fan. and if you haven’t got their albums I suggest you download them now!

Published On: June 8th, 2011 / Categories: Books / Tags: /