So the morning of my talk for the Small Business Group dawned! Just as I was about to leave Sara called to see if I was driving, I hadn’t planned to, but with someone to share the navigating with I thought this a splendid idea, as ever I was there way too early! So listened to Pop Master on radio 2, Zoe Ball asked which group Eddi Reader was the lead singer of before she went solo, so I figured this was a good omen.. ( mind you the contestant didn’t know!!!!?????)
Sara joined me armed with a book of maps, she obviously knows me well enough now to know I get lost even with a sat nav! With her expert directions we were soon in Hampstead, the meeting is in a lovely cafe called The Gallery We were the first to arrive but we were soon joined by Liz and then a lady called Mavis who does Astrological Counselling, which was also strange as Zoe Ball had also mentioned about the planets being in retrograde of something thus causing everything to slow down! including the traffic! (which I was to discover on my way home)
So we headed down to the basement of the bar, and the meeting began. I had not been this particular group before, but it was really a lovely group with good mix of people, Liz introduced the group and then we went round introducing ourselves starting with me!
The time for the talk arrived, it was 2pm, we decided to make it an informal talk, where people could ask me questions about the challenges they are facing with their sites, It was great that Sara was there too as she was able to cover the SEO side of things, so we gave the people a good deal of our knowledge, to which they seemed very pleased 🙂 I shared my top ten tips which I will pop on here soon… and before you knew it the 40 minutes were up 🙂
So just left to say thank you to Liz for inviting me to talk.