My great friend Margaret is 92 today! I wondered what had occured in her lifetime…. and here is is:
1919: short-wave radio invented
1920: Band-Aid invented 1921: 1st robot designed 1922: insulin invented 1923: Garrett Morgan granted patent for the traffic signal 1923: Clarence Birdseye introduces frozen food 1924: spiral-bound notebooks first appear 1925: Baird's mechanical TV demonstrated 1926: Robert Goddard's first liquid fueled rockets tested in Auburn, MA 1927: Farnsworth's electronic TV demonstrated 1928: Fleming discovers penicillin; Schick patents the electric shaver 1929: Zenith Radio starts year as lowest priced stock on NYSE -- ends year as highest priced stock due to demand for its radios; Paul Galvin (later president of Motorola) invents the car radio
1930: Scotch tape invented at 3M; first jet engine designs 1931: electron microscope invented 1932: good year for photography: Land invents the Polaroid process; zoom lens and light meter are also invented 1933: stereo records developed 1934: first magnetic tape recorders for broadcasting 1935: Dupont invents nylon; radar first developed; and beer is canned for the first time 1936: Colt's revolver patented 1937: photocopier invented 1938: ballpoint pen and Teflon invented 1939: Sikorsky's first helicopter flown
1940: Jeep designed 1941: aerosol spray cans developed 1942: turboprop engines designed 1943: synthetic rubber invented, along with the Slinky and Silly Putty; Cousteau co-develops the aqualung 1944: synthetic cortisone developed 1945: atomic bomb developed and used 1946: microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer after he melts chocolate bar in his pocket 1947: Schockley-Brattain-Bardeen invent the transistor 1948: Velcro and the jukebox invented 1949: prepared cake mixes introduced
1950: Diner's Club introduces first credit card 1951: Super Glue invented; so is first video tape recorder 1952: first bar code patent issued; first diet soft drink developed 1953: transistor radio invented at Texas Instruments (TI); radial tire developed 1954: oral contraceptives invented; Ray Kroc starts franchising McDonald's 1955: tetracycline & optical fiber invented 1956: first use of computer hard disk 1957: Fortran developed 1958: Noyce (at Fairchild Semiconductor) and Kilby (at TI) both submit patents for integrated circuits 1959: important to generations of girls -- the Barbie Doll is introduced
1960: halogen lamp invented 1961: valium invented 1962: audio cassettes developed 1963: pop-top cans 1964: BASIC computer language; permanent-press materials 1965: Astroturf; Kevlar; soft contact lenses 1966: electronic fuel injection developed for cars 1967: first handheld calculator 1968: Douglas Englebert invents the computer mouse 1969: ATM machine invented; Arpanet also appears and bar code scanners developed
1970: Alan Shugart (chairman of hard drive supplier Seagate) invents the floppy disk 1971: Intel's 4004 is first microprocessor design; dot-matrix printer, VCR and LCD displays also invented 1972: first video game -- Pong -- invented 1973: gene splicing invented; Ethernet networking invented at Xerox; BIC develops disposable lighter; Black-Scholes pricing model developed for options 1974: Post-it Notes and liposuction invented 1975: laser printer developed 1976: ink jet printing invented 1977: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) invented 1978: Visicalc spreadsheet introduced for PCs; first PC models appear from Heathkit, Apple, Radio Shack 1979: Walkman invented by Sony; roller blades developed; Seymour Cray designs the supercomputer
1980: vaccine for hepatitis-B invented 1981: IBM introduces the PC and MS-DOS appears for the first time 1982: human growth hormones genetically engineered 1983: soft bifocal contact lenses introduced 1984: Apple Macintosh popularizes the graphical interface; CD-ROMs invented 1985: Microsoft brings out Windows 1.0 1986: Microsoft's initial public offering (IPO); first disposable camera introduced 1987: disposable contact lenses invented 1988: Doppler radar invented; first patent issued for genetically-engineered animal issued 1989: first HDTV broadcasts in Japan
1990: Tim Berners-Lee develops protocol for both World-wide web (WWW) and the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) 1991: first digital answering machine 1992: smart pill invented 1993: Intel introduces Pentium family of 32-bit microprocessors 1994: first Internet audio broadcast from Interop 1995: DVD invented; Java language launched by Sun Microsystems; RealAudio broadcasting introduced 1996: WebTV introduced 1997: gas-powered fuel cells developed 1998: Viagra developed 1999: is formed and the search engine goes into beta test publicly 2000: mapping of human DNA completed