So we were all back at the trusty Stag after our summer break, it was great to see everyone again.  there were also some new faces there which is always great to see.

We started off with a brilliant talk by Julia from Drapemasters about the use of 121’s how to handle them, what questions to ask to keep the conversation going ans also so you both get the best out of the meeting, Julia has allowed me to repost the talk here so here they are Click here to download,  thanks Julia,

Then we handed our cards out as ever, I was sat next to Louise who has finally finished her diploma which is brilliant news! well done Lousie 🙂  To my right was a guest from another Athena group a lovely lady called Michelle who has a company called Quick Paye that takes over all your book keeping, Payroll and tax returns, so she sounds like a great person to know!

So all in all a great meeting!

If you happen to be a member of Athena and would like to attend a course on getting the most out of Social Media, we are offereing members a wopping 50% discount, just follow the link to book your place, hope to see you there.  Click Here


Published On: September 15th, 2011 / Categories: Blogs, Business, Life, Managing your social media, Networking / Tags: , /