Here are eleven questions to help you determine your blogging strategy for the new year:

  1. Why did you start the Post a Day/Week Challenge?
I love a good challenge and thought it would be fun to keep an online diary of my year, as I used to keep a diary many moons ago.
  1. Describe the state of your blog at the time you started the challenge.
I did have a blog but it wasn’t even attached to my site at that time, and was rather daunting as to what to put on it.
  1. How did your blog evolve over the course of the challenge?
I have really enjoyed the blog over the year, I have had a wonderful year full of some very interesting moments, so its been brilliant to be able to go home and re live those times again via the blog.
  1. Did you post as often as you had hoped? Why or why not?
yep each and every day.
  1. What type of blogging strategy works best for you?
No particular option, I have enjoyed it all.
  1. If you could go back to the beginning, what would you do differently?
  1. What are you most proud of accomplishing this year?
That I made it through the whole year.
  1. What surprised you about the challenge?
as above.
  1. What advice would you give to others who want to blog regularly?
Just go for it, don’t be daunted its great fun and also really helps with the SEO of your blog
  1. What are your blogging goals for 2012?
To still blog but not quite as often!!! 

Don’t forget to use the postaday2011 tag to make it easy for others to find your 2011 reflection when browsing the latest in postaday2011 posts!

Published On: December 27th, 2011 / Categories: Uncategorized / Tags: /