Love when all seems against you
love when you see violence in the world
love in your every day life
express love in acts
done in quiet moments
with no witness
love is vast
never falters
love gives dance to sorrow
comfort to one who struggles
forgiveness is loves child
grace in all your movements
connects you to kindness
Let love use you for inspiration
Love has no limits
no boundaries
Arts exist because of love
joy makes a place within
you to be creative
joy holds nothing back
use wisely your gifts
be wisdoms expression
in your waking
love is sweet music to the soul
quiet water to the weary thirsty traveler
drink well from lives cup
of experience
be inspired
daily allow the magnificent to shine."
Stephen John Kalinich
Happy 2012


Published On: December 29th, 2011 / Categories: Blogs, latest in postaday2011 posts, Poetry / Tags: , /