It is National Stop Smoking Day on Wednesday 14th March.  So, if you are a smoker and want to stop, here are a few tips

Work out why you want to stop…we all have different reasons

Are you afraid of an extra risk of cancer?

Do you want to improve your health / breathe easier?

Is it financial reasons?

Are you embarrassed about the smell on your breath or clothes?

Are friends and family nagging you?

Are you finding it just too inconvenient to smoke – freezing in the cold and rain / feeling like an outsider.

If you have tried to stop before, do you know why it didn’t work?

You need to do a little self-analysis to work out why, as this increases your chances of quitting smoking with the help of therapy

Are you scared to stop?
Do you worry about what you will do with your hands?  What if I get stuck in a traffic jam, what will I do if I don’t smoke?  How will I deal with stress?

Most people are afraid to stop smoking – what if you fail?  What if you succeed?  These fears cause you to sabotage any attempt to stop.  You can overcome these fears if you understand them – you will find a way to work it out

If what you are doing isn’t working, then do something else

Once you know the real reason why you keep failing, stop trying to stop with the methods you have used and failed with, because they don’t work for you. For example, if using patches doesn’t help you to stop smoking, taking nicotine some other way isn’t likely to help you stop smoking either.

Which method is the right method for you?

Once you stop wasting time doing the wrong thing, do some more research and find the method that solves the problem you now understand. One small extra tip here – if you know someone who succeeded with hypnotherapy, for example, that doesn’t necessarily signify it is the right therapy for you (but of course it might be).

Find the right hypnotherapist

There are many people out there promising they can stop you smoking.  The only person who can stop you smoking is YOU.  A therapist can HELP you to stop smoking.  When choosing the right therapist for you, check their qualifications.  Money back guarantees are usually a bad idea and more expensive does not mean better.

I help people to stop smoking, lose weight, overcome fears / phobias / anxiety / stress and most emotional issues.

£20 off discount in the month of March if you or anyone you know would like to stop smoking.

Stopping smoking was one of the best things I ever did!

This brilliant guest blog was written by Bridgette Mansfield of 123 Relax

Published On: March 14th, 2012 / Categories: Blogs, Guest Blogger / Tags: , , /