We had a great day out today at Epsom. I had never been there before, the reason for our jaunt was that my all time fav band were playing there!
I have loved the Beach Boys since I was 7! having seen Brian Wilson many times, I hadn’t seen this incarnation of The Beach Boys (Mike and Bruce). The last time I saw the band was in the early 90s at the NEC. The other bonus was that the event was being held at the Epsom Racecourse, Liz loves horses, so we were both happy 🙂 The weather wasn’t wonderful but the rain did manage to hold off! We put some money on the horses, i’m afraid there was no science behind it, we just chose the names that appealed. it was a neat trick as three out of six of our horses won :-). So congrats to Bayleafe, Hawanna,Trooping Of The Colours and the jockeys.
The concert started at 9.20, the whole place just came alive to the music! They played the hits as you would imagine. They kicked off with a rousing version of ‘Do it again’ which sounded amazing, after that we had in no particular order, Cottonfields, Darlin, Surfin Safari, Cal Girls, Good Vibes which sounded amazing! God Only Knows, Heroes and Villains – including the bicycle rider lyrics, Don’t Worry Baby, 409, Surf City, Rock and Roll music, Do you wanna dance, help me Rhonda, getcha back, kokomo, Barbara Ann please feel free those that were there to share the rest 🙂 especially if anyone has the set list!
Mike was on top form, joking with the crowd, dancing with his niece, Bruce sounded great and did an emotional version of ‘God Only Knows’ the whole crowd seemed to have been waiting for that one. The backing players were great! and surprisingly took a lot of the vocals. All in all a splendid evening, I didn’t want it to end, do come back soon guys! And thanks for a great evening.