I was sent this book to review and I actually had no idea what the book was about prior to its arrival.

It is written by Hanan Kattan, a name our readers will be familiar with as she produced two of the best lesbian films of late with her wife Shamim Sarif – ‘The World Unseen’ and ‘I can’t even think straight’ (you can see our reviews here). So I naively assumed the book would be about a film, but no, it’s actually a great guide for all you entrepreneurs out there. It’s like a one stop shop for everything you need to know in this modern age for people who are starting their own business. I actually run two business https://www.lucyswebdesigns.co.uk/ and http://www.lovingsocialmedia.co.uk/ so this book was perfect for me. I have read quite a few of the books one is supposed to read when starting a business, the e myth and Napoleon Hill etc but what I liked about this book is that a) it’s all in one place and b) Hanan doesn’t waffle on. Sometimes I find a writer can go over the same point again and again and to be honest I lose the will to live, but with Hanan she is straight to the point, tells you what you need to do, how to do it with a few scant examples, job done and moves onto the next bit.

I must confess that I knew most of what is shared in this book already but I would have to really running the businesses that I do. However, there were also some great nuggets in the book that I intend to follow up on.

The new world is a scary one with all the things we need to do to keep up, but by reading this book Hanan makes it a little less scary.

Published On: August 22nd, 2012 / Categories: Blogs, Books, Reviews / Tags: /