Cloud AtlasCloud Atlas by David Mitchell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Years ago my friend Mark came into the pub with a copy of this book in his hand and announced it was brilliant. Ever since then I have had it in the back of my mind to read, so this Christmas I asked for it as a Christmas prezzie.
I had no idea what to expect, I had the vague notion it was about reincarnation and the future of the planet but that was all… Wow what a journey I have been on, some of it I loved but some of it was rather hard work. The chapter when we go way into the future and read the story in their future dialect was no easy read. I loved the chapters with Lisa Rey which were typical thriller adventure fun, Sonmi the future clone for want of a better description was ok, but I found all the q and a boot of a drag. I did enjoy the book and I can see that it had a lot of political and environmental truths as to the future of our world and the choices we are making now and the impact they will have on the future. One of the reviews I read uses the great analogy of the characters popping up in other chapters rather like a baton being passed along, which is a great way to describe it. Timothy Cavendish was rather a bizarre take on how we look after our elderly its as if several books have been put onto one and links have been added after words to tie them together. It was a good read, but if I’m honest I’m glad I’ve finished it and I feel the need for something light.

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Published On: January 13th, 2013 / Categories: Blogs, Books, Reviews, Web Design, Web Design Enfield, Websites / Tags: , /