It was with great excitement that I got my review copy of the ‘Days of Anna Madrigal’.

To open those pages was to be transported back to when I read the first books; the characters, as they have for people all around the world, have become real to me, so to be able to visit them in their world again in San Francisco is always a huge joy.

armistead-maupin-olympia-dukakis-lambdaThe years have of course drifted past and Mrs Madrigal is now 92 but we also get to meet her as she was, as a boy ‘Andy’ and how it came to be that she ran away to San Francisco and to her true destiny. With all Armistead’s books it’s the dialogue that gets you. Mrs Madrigal still gets all the best lines, such as my personal favourite ‘The earth knows exactly how to hold us if we just let it’. It must be wonderful to live inside his head. He has such a great way with words – one moment poignant and the next hilarious.

I really do hope as always that this isn’t to be the last volume. It would be a fitting end but as always I am greedy for more.

Let’s hope they make the movie that is rumored of and that the excellent Olympia Dukakis gets to be Mrs Madrigal once again.

The day before I read the book I read that Laura Linney gave birth to a son and has named him after Mr Maupin, so as like his books, life has its twists and things turn out very well indeed.

View all my reviews

I posted this picture of Poppy when I got the book, and got a reply from none other than Mr Maupin himself!
