jamesFirstly, professionally written content is a necessity for any website, whether that be ‘micro copy’ as brief descriptions, or full blown articles shared on social media, and everything inbetween. As your customers see that something is professionally copy written; they are more likely to trust the message, and therefore your brand. The relationship between content and brand runs deeper than that though. Marketing is often thought of as storytelling, and copywriting plays an important part in this. Customers, or potential customers can become engaged in your brand’s story by the written content on your website. When a customer becomes engaged they are more likely to become loyal to your brand. When I talk about brand, this doesn’t just refer to those global brands we see who spend huge sums on paid advertising, it refers to all brands including me as someone who works mainly from home, or to your brand, however big that may be.
It’s not just humans looking at your website, and its content: whilst this sounds funny, its true. Google computers, and other search engines are trawling the websites of the world analysing them. It uses this analysis to decide where it places websites on its search page results. How its analysed is a secret that Google keeps to itself, but it gives clear clues and instructions on how to get the higher up the list: Content.

Google wants its search users to find the things they want from a trustworthy source. It states that websites with frequently updated content, which is well written, relevant and from a trustworthy source will rank higher in its search results. This used to be known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation. Recently there has been a move to stamp SEO because it often sought to trick the Google analysis to effect a higher rank on the results page. Google is constantly updating its software to become smarter and spot these tricks, Google now boasts that only well written, timely, trustworthy and relevant content will work now, and even imposes penalties to cheats.
Social media has been a buzz term within marketing for a number of years now. It’s still very relevant, and is constantly evolving. Brands can build a following on social media and engage customers too. For either of these to happen content is needed, whether this be written content, video, audio or still images. Professionally produced content is more engaging on the whole, and conveys your brand message more effectively than poorly written content.
Another buzz term in marketing is Content Marketing, this isn’t about the hard sell, it’s about providing genuinely valuable and interesting content to your customers via your website, social media, newsletters and sometimes print. This could take the form of buyer’s guides, articles about the subject, information videos or even podcasts. Anything content that could be of interest to your customers and is connected to your business (and occasionally even if it’s not) can be used to strengthen your brand.

The good news is that all of the above can be combined, that’s to say that the core writing on your website, the blog, the newsletter you email, the demonstration videos, the articles you write all count towards your digital marketing: that means that it strengthens your customer engagement, it bump you further up the search engine results page and it gets your name out there on social media.
For an informal chat, and a bit of advice feel free to speak to us at The Content Zoo, check out our website, or visit us on social media.



