Vic Smith Beds (2)Before Christmas Denise (aka Mrs Vic Smith Beds), announced the exciting news that they were going to shoot an advert! and asked me to come along on the day of the film shoot; they needed some photos for their banners and van and it seemed like a great idea to take the photographs whilst they were having the shoot, I had never been to a film shoot before so was very much looking forward to it!

When I arrived at 10 they were already set up ready for the off, Vic was busily learning his lines and the film crew were testing the lighting and the sound, all very exciting!  You wouldn’t believe how long it takes to shoot a 30 second ad, so much time has to go into planning it and making sure the words are spoken at the right speed so as not to lose a second of air time, also the added Vic Smith Beds (1)challenge on this shoot was the fact that each bed they featured had to be set up without moving as much as a hair otherwise the whole effect would be lost.  While they were doing the green room filming I was able to make the most of the lighting and set up and capture the shots required for the van, then as the other parts of the advert took place I simply took the photos at the same time, it was great fun, I really enjoyed it, see below the images I took and then scroll down to see the finished advert!


Vic Smith Beds (4)